Biography English

Leonardo Lospalluti – biography English

LEONARDO LOSPALLUTI: Guitarist, mandolinist, composer, orchestra conductor, Leonardo Lospalluti completed his musical studies at the Conservatory of Bari (Italy), as a guitar student of Linda Calsolaro, who was pupil of Andrés Segovia. He perfects himself with teachers such as Oscar Ghiglia, Alirio Diaz, Ruggero Chiesa, and he was the winner of various national and international guitar competitions. Between the years 2001 and 2007 he conducted the guitar and mandolin orchestra of the “Piccinni” Conservatory of Bari, playing many concerts in Italy and abroad. He collaborated with different roles for the realization of various productions, such as Mandolini all’opera, Mandolini al Cinema, Melodie dolenti 1 e 2, I suoni del barbiere, Charles Avison (after Scarlatti), for various CD labels such as FELMAY and DIGRESSIONE MUSIC. His last CD release is Romancillo published by STRADIVARIUS label. For many years he held Masterclasses at the Mottola (Ta) Guitar International Festival and at the Avigliano (PZ) Mandolin International Festival. He is Guitar professor at the Music High School Domenico Cirillo  in Bari (Italy).